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Scam Alert – From Tickets to Email Trickery

If you recently bought a ticket to a local event, you may have used Eventbrite’s website or smartphone app. Eventbrite is an online platform that allows you to create, promote, and attend events. But cybercriminals are abusing this platform to steal your personal information and money. In this week’s scam,...

Scam Alert – The Shopping List Swindle

Walmart’s Lists feature allows you to create an online shopping list and share it with others. In this month's scam, cybercriminals are using Lists and malicious Google ads to steal your personal information and money. This scam begins when you search for Walmart’s customer service page on Google. You’ll see...

Scam Alert – Watch Out for Election-Themed Scams

In this month's scam, cybercriminals are taking advantage of the upcoming elections to try and steal your personal information and money. The scams vary slightly and involve fake text messages, social media posts, phone calls and more. Cybercriminals use AI to make these phishing attempts even more convincing. These scams...

Scam Alert – Don’t Be Fooled By Fake Phone Numbers

In this week’s scam, cybercriminals are using Google search results to try to trick you into calling a phone number that they control. If you search for an organisation on Google, scammers can manipulate the search results to display a fake phone number for the organisation. Don't take a chance...

⚠️ Scam Alert – Pastejack Attack

Pastejack Attack In this week’s scam, cybercriminals are trying to trick you into running malicious code using PowerShell, a powerful tool for executing commands on your computer. This technique is known as “pastejacking”, which involves copying and pasting malicious code into your computer and then allowing it to run. This...

⚠️ Scam Alert – July Edition

CrowdStrike Outage Phishing Scams Recently, a mass IT outage caused confusion and chaos. A buggy software update deployed by the cybersecurity company CrowdStrike impacted Windows computers worldwide. Systems were affected globally, resulting in delayed flights, business closures, and more. However, what may be bad news for you could be good...

⚠️ Scam Alert – June edition

Malware Office Suite “You get what you pay for,” and this week’s scam is no exception. Cybercriminals are distributing a “free” pirated version of Microsoft Office across torrenting websites. The catch is that it’s actually malware. If you download and install it, the malware can begin harvesting your personal data....

Scam Alert – Government Phishing

Cybercriminals like to manipulate people into acting on impulse because anyone can fall for this trick, even government officials. In this week’s scam, a Russian hacking group is targeting members of the Polish government with an enticing phishing email. The email contains a link that claims to provide information about...

⚠️ Scam Alert – May edition

Cheaters never win Cybercriminals often find creative ways to spread malware, and this recent scam is no exception. They are posting malicious links in the comment sections of video gaming websites and forums. If you click on one of the links, it will download a .zip file for a program...

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