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Super savings for women

Ask any woman juggling career, home and family and she’ll tell you it’s a hard slog. Yet as retirement looms, dreams of enjoying the rewards of all that work are shattered as the retirement savings don’t support the vision. According to an inquiry into Women’s Economic Security in Retirement entitled...

⚠️ Scam Alert – May edition

Cheaters never win Cybercriminals often find creative ways to spread malware, and this recent scam is no exception. They are posting malicious links in the comment sections of video gaming websites and forums. If you click on one of the links, it will download a .zip file for a program...

⚠️ Scam Alert – April edition

Scams that occur over text messaging are called smishing scams. This week, cybercriminals are using smishing to target motorists. They send a fake text message claiming that you have a toll due for driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The toll is not for a large amount, but the message says...

Market crashes: The good, the bad and the ugly

Just as night follows day, it seems part of the regular cycle of the world’s share markets that downturns and falling prices follow good times and rising prices. The impact of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic was typical of such downturns, prompting a 35 per cent sell off in world share...

How to avoid property investment failure

There is an old saying that no investment is as safe as a bricks and mortar investment, but is that really the case or is it something that we just like to believe, spurred on by what appears to be the never-ending increase in property prices? While it’s easy to...

⚠️ Scam Alert – March edition

Invitation to a Malware Party Cybercriminals recently targeted European diplomats by impersonating representatives for the ambassador of India. They each received a fake invitation to an exclusive wine-tasting party. But, the invitation was actually a trick to install malware onto their devices. This type of scam could be used to...

5 common financial mistakes people make in their 40s

The 40s are, for many people, a critical decade for building wealth. Income is usually on the rise, but so are expenses such as mortgages and school fees. Juggling priorities can be a real challenge, and mistakes made in this stage of life can have a large bearing on the...

6 smart ways to build savings

The word “thrifty” is rarely thought of in a positive sense but that’s not fair because if we continually spend more than we earn, our debts will eventually catch up and other words such as “default” or “bankrupt” might become more familiar. Being thrifty doesn’t mean doing without – quite...

⚠️ Scam Alert: Phishy Search Results

Cybercriminals are at it again with search engine optimization (SEO) attacks. Legitimate organizations use SEO to help their websites and documents appear more often in search engine results. Unfortunately, cybercriminals are using a combination of SEO and malicious PDF files to try to steal your sensitive information. In these attacks,...

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Take our obligation free Financial Health Check to determine whether you may benefit from financial advice, you first need to understand what a financial adviser actually does and then establish whether your specific circumstances can be improved.