Jul 18, 2023

⚠️ Scam Alert: Permission to Hack

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Recently, malware researchers discovered a trojan app on the Google Play Store. Trojans are apps or software that appear legitimate but are actually malicious. Thousands of users downloaded this app before knowing it was malicious. So, it’s important to learn how to spot malicious apps. 

In this scam, cybercriminals uploaded a malicious screen recording app on the Google Play Store. At first glance, the app appeared to be legitimate, but it actually contained malware designed to steal your information. If you download this app, you’ll be prompted to accept permissions that align with what the app claims to do. However, if you accept these permissions, you’ll grant cybercriminals access to your personal information, such as your location, text messages, and more. 

Follow the tips below to stay safe from similar scams:

  • Only download apps from trusted publishers. Anyone can publish an app on official app stores—including cybercriminals. 
  • Enable security settings on your device, such as Google Play Protect which scans for malicious apps.
  • Remember that this type of attack isn’t exclusive to the Google Play Store. Cybercriminals could use this technique to put malicious apps on any platform. 


General Advice Warning: The information provided in this article is general in nature and does not consider your particular investment objectives, financial situation, or insurance needs; we therefore recommend you seek advice tailored to your individual circumstances before making any specific decisions.
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